Regulated by ISVA

Heat Loss – Thermal Imaging

Everybody will be aware that saving energy is becoming a very important aim as we move into the new decade. Cheap supplies of traditional heating fuels are in greater demand, often more difficult to produce, and therefore more expensive. It is becoming increasingly essential to try to save energy and save the cost of energy in every way possible.

Thermal scanning of a building will show the extent of heat loss, and the route that the heat takes through the external ‘envelope’ of a building.

Once the scanning is complete, the results will be analysed and a diagnostic report will be prepared detailing the areas of greatest loss and suggesting the most economical ways of improving the situation.

Other common uses of thermal scanning are for determining, from the interior where there is a route of damp penetration, invisible to the eye, and for assessing possible problems leading to overheating of electrical components.

The cost of a thermal imaging inspection and report starts at £400 - the benefits can be far greater!